Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Morning suprise

Bohužel to ještě nemám na hlavě, protože si musím ještě odbarvit vlasy, ale to bude nejdřív zítra až mi sundají sádru z nohy, jinak se totiž nikam nedostanu... :/


  1. těším se až to uvidím ;)

  2. I started a new blog. Its called "Same Same But Different". I would like to share with you my view on fashion, art and other amazing things. I hope you will enjoy the posts of my outfits, fashion and things which are a part of my life. I am happy about every comment or message. And please dont hasitate to criticize or to leave a helpful suggestion. (and i know i really need to learn how to use my camera)

    -> http://www.ssbdk.blogspot.com/

    Hope to read from you soon,

    best wishes and greets from London
    ps. pink hair , i lkie it :P

  3. ty jooo, tak to se děsně těším jaké to bude :)

  4. pastel pink, to zní dost dobře!:) jsem zvědavá:))
